Collection: 412 AP French Language
All students in AP French Language will be required to purchase the digital textbook listed. All VHL textbooks include access to the digital textbook and Supersite, which will be used by all teachers for in-class work, homework, audio practice, and assessment.
Students should have a notebook in class to take notes, and may use a computer to consult their digital French materials.
All students of French will use their own headset for audio practice and recording, both in and out of class. Every student will be expected to bring his/her computer and headset to class every day. Headphones may be purchased in the School Store.
Recommended Language Lab Headphones: Headphones with Built-in Microphone (either earbuds or over-ear acceptable)
Note - Must be 3.5mm jack and not the new lighting connector
Any questions about textbooks, digital learning, or classroom protocols may be directed to Kristin Benjamin, Modern Language Department Chair (